Aunt Kate and Sarah Beth

Aunt Kate and Sarah Beth have come and gone. And I can tell you that the visit wasn't near long enough! We had a ton of we always do!They got here a little late on Friday night and we only had time to eat dinner. So Saturday we were out and about in Old Milford. We were on the look-out for old silverware and other cool recycled items to make wind chimes out of (this is another blog all in itself). Kate and Sarah Beth had to run, literally run, into this furniture store to get away from the attacking cicadas. I wish I had a video of all the running and squealing as people tried to walk down the street. We weren't the only ones.We were taking some other pictures and Michael decided that Aunt Kate and I should pose by the fire. It was his idea that we pretend that we were warming by the fire...Steven Spielberg look out! Sarah had to work all day today so we got a shot of her with Aunt Kate and Sarah before she headed to work. They were leaving after I came back and we dug up a few black-eyed Susan's and some cat mint for Kate's yard. Always glad to share. Mark made it back with Bryce just before they got in the car to head back home to spend times with their fathers on Father's Day. One last photo opt before leaving. Wish they could come more often and I wish they could stay longer when they come. We missed having Uncle Mark, Jeremy and Jason this time. I can tell you that Sarah Beth is looking and feeling least she does to me. I saw her smiling and laughing with Michael and she ate pretty well. She teased with Uncle Mark and still calls Bryce 'my Brycie'. She and Emmy remembered old story from way back when. I just sat back and smiled and thanked God for our time together. It was a great weekend!


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