Another Years Comes to a Close

June 5th couldn't get here fast enough for Michael...'you know that is my graduation day, Mom.' It is also the day that Michael gives his teachers and bus drivers a little gift for helping him thru the year. I always have to send a note explaining the gifts. You have to try to understand his little brain...I still haven't mastered that! Two days before the last day of school we usually start talking about what to get for his teachers and bus drivers. Maybe I should give you a little heads up here...last year he gave his teacher some butter. That's right 4 sticks of real butter that you get at the grocery store. You should have seen her face! Priceless! (she is the teacher that I am going to be caring for her newborn in the fall) This year he was really putting some thought into it. Mrs. Sullivan is very pregnant so I suggested maybe something for the baby. Nope. A good book. Nope. Nice soothing music. Nope. So we walked every isle in Target. Gift certificate. Nope. He finally settled on a Monopoly game. Why you might ask, "because it has counting and lots to read when you play." Okay, makes sense. Now we have to focus on Mrs. Perty. More wondering..Sarah is shopping all this time, thank heavens. I could just hear all the suggestions she would give and all the reasons Michael would not think those were good suggestions. He surveys every thing in every isle and we end up in the food. As fast as you can say 'are you kidding me,' he decided on a brownie mix. Again, why" 'because she like to eat chocolate." Sounds reasonable to me...I love me some good brownies with sprinkles...but usually they are better when some one makes them first. Then the bus drivers. This one was a little more challenging because he didn't want to get them anything at all, especially for 'the mean on in the afternoon bus'. Then we had to take a moment to remember why they had been so 'mean'. Couldn't be because the very first week of school I had to shove him in crying or the day he got in deep trouble for biting Luke or the day he got in trouble for not sitting in his seat, or maybe the day he got kicked off for hitting Luke and Skyler for singing....can't imagine why he would think they were mean. He finally gave in and got them some chocolate...'but just a little bit.' I hope they all appreciate all the thought that goes into his gifts. I remember loving those kinds of gifts way back when I was in the classroom.

FYI...after this week...Emmy and Bryce will be seniors at The University of Cincinnati. We can see the light at the end of the tunnel. So mark you calendars we will be having two separate graduation parties...right you two?


leigh ann said…
i LOVE those gifts!! the thought he puts into it is precious. (not to mention hilarious!)

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