Round Robin Photo Challenge...Tiny Things

Hello again, Robins! I went diving in our suggestion pool today, and I'm glad to report that it's positively overflowing with cool topics right now. We're also starting to see some reruns and recurring themes, with different people coming up with similar ideas, sometimes the same day! I'm sure we'll get to many of these topics in the weeks and months ahead.For this particular Challenge, though, we're going with one that was suggested by, well, me! Way back in September 2007, I came up with the following:
Tiny Things. The idea here is to photograph very small inanimate objects - not details and closeups of larger things, but self-contained little items we see and take for granted. It should be interesting to take the expertise some Robins have with tiny critters, and apply it to objects that can't fly away. And the rest of us have the photographic challenge of learning to focus on the miniature world.Eight months later, though, I'm thinking it was probably rash of me to exclude tiny living things, or things that were once alive. So if you want to photograph a bee, a beetle or a baby guppy, be my guest!

So many things to choose from and so little time. I have been racking my brain for something different. A couple of Sunday's ago when we were home I got to read the Sunday paper...which is a rare thing around here. There was a article that caught my eye about cultivating you own tea garden. I thought what the heck...I think I will give it a try. So now in the garden we have all kinds of plants that you can make tea from...Lady's Mantle, Lemon Balm, Bee Balm, Lemon Thyme, and Spearmint to name a few right off the top of my head.

The little jewel featured in the photo was given to Mark's grandmother, Mamaw, as a gift from me on the first birthday I celebrated with her after starting to date her grandson, now my husband. When she passed, Mark's Mom took the brewer and kept it for awhile and then it was eventually passed back to me. I love it! I plan to use it as soon as the leaves dry out. Wish me luck in the homemade herbal tea. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks Karen for the challenge. I can hardly wait to see what everyone comes up with. FYI...the smallest penguin in you shot is just like the one my Nanny had when I was growing up. It made me smile.


Gattina said…
Oh ! that's really lovely ! I have never seen such !
Little cat Rosie is now 1 year old, and has remained small, but full of energy !
maryt/theteach said…
Wammy, thanks for visiting my very first Round Robin Photo Challenge! I love your well framed and designed photo! It's lovely! :)
What a beautiful brewer and how special that it came back to you after being enjoyed by his grandmother! I love the idea of growing the different plants for your tea. Great job!
MyMaracas said…
What a beautiful photo! The little tea infuser is wonderful, and it looks so inviting against the leaves. I'm sure you treasure it, a gift both given and received.
Carly said…
Wow that's cute. :) And it is especially nice because it is now a family heirloom. :) I would like to know how it goes with the tea, I have been thinking about making some homemade tea from fresh grown herbs, but haven't had the courage to try. I would enjoy reading a follow up entry about that. Let us know how it goes. :)

Suzanne R said…
The plants are so lush and inviting-looking already! And the little diffuser is very pretty -- what a nice and meaningful possession that has come back to you. I assume you are going to dehydrate the plants before making the tea, or can you make tea using the fresh ones? You can see that I need to learn a lot about tea-making!
Kiva said…
The photograph of the brewer is much more precious because of the story behind it. Good luck on your tea. I hope you find the right mixture on your first try. It took me a while, but I'm now brewing great tea!
Peter said…
Love your photo, thanks for visiting.
Love the photo, love the story, love the photographer!

Monica said…
I really like that you placed it against the green of the plant - the leaves show us how tiny the item is and it's a great contrast in color. Lovely

Wendy said…
I love it! Very pretty composition!
I love the photo and the story that goes with it. Good luck with your herbal teas! (I wonder whether any of that stuff would grow around here.)

That particular penguin is probably only about five years old, if that; but I'm reasonably sure the design has been made for decades. There were two main kinds of china animals I used for collect when I was 10 to 12 years old, and that was the second kind. Not sure I originally had a penguin, though!
Anonymous said…
I would love to join you for a spot of tea and maybe some scons too!!
Anonymous said…
i love the little brewer and how wonderful to photograph it among your herbal teas! :) good job!
Jama said…
That's a cute little brewer! something not only tiny but real special too.
Robinella said…
What a great tiny item and story to go with it. Have fun making that tea. :-)

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