Oh, My Aching Back...

I have been wanting to build a real fire pit in our yard since before we moved here. In WI, we had a great fire pit, but is just isn't the same as one that is directly in the ground. Reminds me of our camping days at Dale Hollow when I was little...anyway...Mark and I have worked for two solid days and finally have one that we love. I decide that since I have no before and after pictures of the yard...I had better take some of this transformation.
As you can see it is pretty rough under our big oak tree. Nothing grows, water stands, misquetoes multiply and it is just plain gross. Who would really want to sit on this bench? We have learned over the years what landscape fabric is our best friend. We LOVE it! Gotta get cha' some of it for your next yard project...keeps weeds down to a minimum.
Here you have the finished project...one dug-in-the-ground-fire-pit. We put down large stones and surrounded that with bags and bags and bags of pea gravel. There are even metal edgers to keep it all in check. Then we couldn't just have that...oh no...so we have a hosta bed on the right side with a big rock from the yard. And on the left.,we have another flower bed. They actually look really nice, if I do say so myself. Mark and I make a pretty good team. Maybe when he retires and I stop doing what ever I am doing at the time...we could go into business doing landscaping.....hmmmm, that's a pretty good thought. Mark would like to take some horticulture classes and I have checked into the Master Garden program....we'll see.
It is so nice and shady under that oak. It is like a huge canopy keeping the sun off. Late in the evening just before sundown we get a little bit of the sun. All the benches weren't in place when this was taken. The hardest part is retraining myself to enter on the front next to the existing patio and exit out the back. No jumping over flower beds here.
Can you tell what the next project might be...see those bricks. There must be a million of them that we took out of the ground about he second day we moved into the houe. One day we hope to have a really nice brick patio to replace the "pond" that we have when it rains. I was just checking out how they would look up against the new firepit patio. We might need some extra help with that one. But first things first...we have to get the drains put in , patio poured, water feature made before any bricks are laid. Makes my back hurt just thinking about it!
So tonight after a rousing game of baseball with Michael, we had our first campfire. Just the fire, no s'mores or anything. Just sat for a little while and watch the flames and dreamed of all the other campfire we are going to have.


The Oakes said…
wow pretty impressive. we are looking for somone to help us do just that in our own backyard. free time with grandchildren is one of the perks of the job!
leigh ann said…
aaaahhhhhhhh...i love it. the creasys and the smiths will be right over. =)
Anonymous said…
well Ok you all know how I feel about yard pictures, but I am not going to lie! This really does look cool. I watched, yes that is right if you know me, you know that I just supervised! Dad taught me well. But it REALLY looks GREAT!!!!!
Miss Yvonne said…
Jan, Great job ont the fire pit. I love it. wishing I could have been there to help.

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