New Toy

Yesterday my trusty little camera bit the dust. I think I actually sat on it. Not to worry...Circuit City has supplied a new one. I have been actually reading the booklet to make sure that I know what to do with all those little buttons. So I took it out in the backyard today while the boys were building castles in the sand....
Our Columbines are blooming all over the place.
This bloom was not there yesterday. I was playing ball with the boys and saw this out of the corner of my eye.
We thought this was a dead bush. Last week there was not a bit of green on the branches. This this morning when I let the dog out...there was a little cloud out in the back 40.
This is just one of the many bushes Papaw dug up for us. They are blooming like crazy. And oh how I wish this was smell-a-vision
If you click on the picture and blow it up a little bit you can see the little bit of spiderweb that is surrounding the outer edges of this flower.


leigh ann said…
your flower pics are amazing, i don't care what emmy says. i do have to confess though, that when kathy was taking a pic of that purple stuff we were wondering about that i told her to take a true jan ellis flower pic she'd need to lay upside down in the flower bed and get a pic of it from underneath.
Jan AKA Wammy said…
I've got more tricks up my sleve for this weekend and my new camera. Pray that it is pretty out. No problem...I'm telling Kathy all about it. Still working on finding out the names of those weeds/flowers.
Miss Yvonne said…
Smello-vision, what a great concept! I'd love to be smelling your flowers right now!!!!

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