Little Minds

Before I almost do anything in the mornings I check my Google Reader to see if anyone has any new posts...this is what I found this morning. I had to share it with all of you that don't visit Cassie's blog. It makes my heart sing!

If you ever read my moms blog you know that she loves flowers and has all kinds of things in her garden. The other day Ellis and I were looking at some pictures on her blog and he saw a picture of his old basketball shoes that are too small for him; she is planning on planting flowers in them. He was stunned to see them there so I told him that it was okay they were to small for him so we gave them to Wammy for her garden. I could see his little mind turning something over and over and he asked “so they will grow for me?”


Miss Yvonne said…
awe, way too cute!!!

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