Kindergarten Picnic
Friday was "Michael's Day"...that is what he kept telling us. We were invited to eat lunch with all the kindergartners and their parents. Mark even took the morning off so he could go. We took some lunchables...I know Aunt Kate...they aren't very nutritious, but they were quick and easy. Good thing we had of the little boys at the bus stop had no lunch or no parents to eat with. So Renee and I took him in. He is another little red head that makes us smile.
We had thrown a quilt in the van at the last minute just in case we needed something to sit on. Good thing we did. A cold front moved in and it was a tad bit chilly. We had to send Mark back to the van to get the quilt and then he had a hard time sharing it with anyone. Michael managed to wiggle his was in. Mark kept trying to get Ms. Renee in it with him. She knew better!
It was also Field Day. The teacher had all kinds of activities for us to do. Mark got the boys interested in a game of toss. Michael just loved running on the parking lot...something you never do when you are in school. He thought that was pretty cool.
We are sitting under a quilt, but someone said there were snow cones and Michael jumped up and got him a red one, because that is his favorite color. He even brought me one...a blue one because he knew that I would like it. I was freezing to death but I ate every last crumble of ice and loved every drop! I'm still not warm!
I can't believe that Michael actually let me take this picture. You know how he is about getting his picture taken...this is Mrs. Sullivan. There is another teacher in the room, Mrs. Purdy. I was talking to her and she was telling me some Michael stories from the year. She told everyone with a smile on her face..."You know, when Michael gets something in his mind and he doesn't want to do is extremely hard to get his mind changed." I think that was a nice way of saying that he is very stubborn...DUH...she is preaching to the choir here. But they haven't called me all year about anything that has happened in the classroom. It is just those bus drivers that are keeping the lines hot. Only 8 more days..think he will make it?