Ellis Trellis

Mark and I worked in the yard all day today. We cut grass, thanks to John's mower...ours is still in the shop....pulled weeds and added a little garden art. These ladders came from one of our favorite places in WI...Serendipity. Tom and Sharon are the owners of Serendipity Farms. The farm is actually several big barns and out buildings beyond full of antiques and cool things. You never know what you will find. And the gardens are just as unique and interesting at Tom and Sharon. The day before we moved, we made our last trip to Serendipity. We found this 17 rung ladder being held together by wire, leaning up against one of the out buildings. Tom is a person who likes to dicker. I think we caught him in a good mood that day. He really wasn't in the mind to sell, but I think he might have felt sorry for me.
We have dreamed of having another rose trellis even better than the one in WI. I wish I could find a picture to show you. We had two red climbing roses that were absolutely the most beautiful climbers I have ever seen. Someday this will be covered with roses too. Only difference is that there will not be the same kind of wind that can blow the trellis from side to side...right Yvonne?Sitting in the driveway the trellis looks like a frame. Inside the frame you can see all the way back to the Rose of Sharon bushes. I like looking at it at this angle. I can just see those roses now, can't you?


The Oakes said…
wow gotta say im impressed!
Miss Yvonne said…
Tears filled my eyes as I read that and am writng this. Jan, don't you have a picture of the trellis for the DVD you all made? If not, I may have one somewhere, I'll search through my files to find one. Those of you reading this, their rose trellis in WI was incredibly beautiful. We have some pretty fierce winds here, and the trellis would tilt a bit from time to time. I'm sure the one you made from the ladders will look great with red roses climbing up it. It's about time you get areound to using those ladders!!!

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