Chickie Ma

Every year at preschool we hatch eggs. This year was no exception. After the chicks hatch families take them home for the weekend. This year I got a chance. So on Friday I loaded up the van with the cage, water, feed, and the three chicks. I was on the way home and Cassie and Ellis called. I told him hat was int he van. So today I get a call and he wants to know what is in my van. So, Ellis, buddy, this blog is for you. I had to clean out their cage today. I couldn't think of where to put them while I changed the paper in the bottom. I couldn't t just let them out in the yard...they might get away, or Ella might get them, or the hawk might swoop down and get them. Then I saw the answer...Mark's pick-up...PERFECT. I called Ronda and told her I had some chicks...did they all want to come down to see them before they went to the farm. Again, they are. And if you listen real close you can hear Ella barking in the background.


Kathy said…
oh how everlastin' cute !
Anonymous said…
I always thought your yard was missing I know what it is - chickens!!! Just think, you could have fresh eggs everyday and fresh chicken when the eggs don't come anymore!! I'm glad I've figured that out...

Have a wonderful day! Joy
Miss Yvonne said…
I'm on my way down with coop wire, cutters, hammer, nails, and wood. Let's build a coope for you and have chikens for real!!!!! Did'nt I always say you'r make a great pioneer woman!!! HOw fun that must have been!!!!!

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