Another Memory Made

We left Huntington a little later than we wanted to but that's okay...we had plenty of time to get home, really, so Michael could get his homework finished. The two Sarah's were holding it down in the way back...with phone in hand, texting for all they were worth. They were waiting for the traditional stop at Baskin-Robins for ice cream.
We were doing so great. The girls were singing, Michael was playing his DS and Emmy was trying to sleep. Mark was driving and I noticed a little swerving so I offered to drive. He pulled over and was snoring within 5 minutes. I thought it might be a good idea for me to have a little caffine/sugar bust so I stopped at our trusty BP at the locks. This is my version of the story..."I turned off the car and handed Mark the keys. I put on my shoes so I could go in and get something to drink. I opened my door. Mark decides to go inside also. All the children decide to go in also. We all go in and get something to drink, eat and a little bit of sugar for me. We go back out to the car...Mark waits for me to open the driver door while I am waiting for him to open the passenger side door. Everyone is waiting. Then at about the same moment, we discover that Mark's keys are locked in the car along with all cell phone and my keys. Well, let's just say that the next few minutes weren't pretty. No siree! Not pretty at all. I'll try to make this next part quick. Mark goes into BP and asks for help. No help. Only number they give him for a tow answer. We borrow a ladies cell phone. We call the insurance luck. Local answer. State Police...found a guy to come in his wrecker to help us. He is supposed to call us to let us know when he is coming. No call. Ten minutes later, no call. Twenty minutes call, no truck. Mark is now laying under a tree. Sarah and Sarah are cracking up. Emmy is just trying to figure out how we are going to get home. Michael was trying to figure out where we were going to sleep...under the trees like Survivor and I am enjoying my Pepsi and chips. We all were looking for a wrecker/tow truck. When out of the blue our knight in shining armor. He showed up in truck. He told me in 'KY hill language' that it costs too much to run the thing so he uses his car. I told him my side of the story and he told me about his 94 year old mother. He really didn't want his picture taken. Mark still doesn't look to happy. $20.00 later we are on our way home again."

We almost always stop at Tater Ridge. There is a farmer there that has barns and barns full of antiques. He also has hundreds of grinding stones. I only need one. But he won't budge. He is working towards a goal of collecting 300 of them. Can't he just sell one small one? That's all I need. We were able to see some Amish buggies and lots of horse poop. I had to get a shot of the covered bridge. It sounds so cool when you drive over it. We finally made it home in time to drop Sarah Elizabeth off at church where they were working on something for the prom. My bed never felt so good. So now I guess that you want to hear Mark's side of the story. Well, not going to happen reight now...he is sawing logs as we speak.


Anonymous said…
ok we forgot some REALLY important parts of this story!!!! As dad is laying pondering about his upcoming divorce proceedings with mom who is looking around like she has no clue what is going on, Emmy, who kinda knows a thing or two about locking the keys in the car took over. So what I am getting at is that we would still be sitting on the side of the road if it were not for me because no mom you can not call 911 when locking your keys in the car. Oh and who on earth gives the keys to the passenger!!!!! I am actually behind dad 110% on this one!
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Well, Emmy, Ms Anonymous.....there are some things in life that are not worth getting your feathers all in a ruffle about. No one was hurt. No one was going to die. And yes you can call 911...they are very helpful in every least they would answer a ringing phone and we could have gotten the non- emergency number from them. Oh, those dirty laundry bags are still sitting at the bottom of the steps in the living room. I still sticking with my story because that is how it happened. I handed the keys to Dad and he put them on the CD's. Who in the world does that?
The Oakes said…
wow you asked for me to weigh in on this one and from the sounds of anonymous' comments it seems that you are well on your way to the jay leno show. im thinking that your 911 call would be perfect for one of his segments that he calls "stupid 911 calls"
i also know from experience that you are very lucky you had emmy with you. sarah was probably thinking of a way to call in the national guard because of this national emergency, dad im sure would still be sleeping, mom, sorry but im sure you had no idea what to do and michael was coming up with a way to fashion a pirate ship out of twigs and pine needles that likely would have worked but seems a bit impracticle.
Jan AKA Wammy said…
okay...all we need is for Bryce and Sarah to add their two cents and we'd have another dumb Mom story to tell. I'mm still confioden that I could have gotten us home with no problem. Now, who is it you call when something is wrong at school, or the children aren't sleeping...hmmmmm seems like this Mom is still good for something...don't put me out to pasture just quite yet!
Wendy said…
Such great memories you are making!
Miss Yvonne said…
When did Michael get a DS, I thought you didn't like video games. Hey, there are two sides to every story, but only mom's side counts!!! Great story, I think is may change a few times in retelling it over the years.
Miss Yvonne said…
Does Mark get to wiegh in on this one?

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