All In A Days Work

This morning was a big moring for work around here....
Mark had two tree all the trees in the front yard a very needed trim. I wasn't for this from the beginning. I like the idea that if I want to go out on the front porch in the morning with a cuo of coffee in my pj's, the trees gave me some cover. Now the front porch is all open for the world to see. On the plus side...I will be able to see the boys when they are riding their bikes in the cul-de-sac. We might even be able to grow some needed grass on the top of the hill. Maybe the ivy will come back better then ever. So, I guess they did the right thing. While those guys were working another truck pulls up. It is the septic tank sucker-outer guys. We thought it might be a great idea to have our three septic tanks cleaned out. With all the rain we have been having and all the sewage backups the neighbors have been having...we wanted to take no chances with the next storm. So they did what they had to do. I can't think of a worse job in the world than what they do. YUCK! Jim wanted a before and after shot of the house. He asked me what I thought of the trees after he had trimmed up all but three. I told him honestly that I liked them all hung over. But I assured him that he was doing a great job. Found out that we grew up in the same neighborhood in WV...even went to the same high school...just not at the same time...I am a little 'more mature'...So this is the before shot. And this is the after shot. Well, they have one last huge tree to finish up tomorrow. Then it is on to the ugly pines in the backyard. Those babies really need to come out of there. But look, now you can actually see how pretty the front of the house is. And I can see that we need to do some work sprucing up the landscaping...that will just have to wait for another day....tomorrow after school.


Anonymous said…
Wow, it looks great. Haven't seen it in person yet(out late last night).
leigh ann said…
jim who? since i'm less mature than you...maybe i know him.
Anonymous said…
Well I think you are both giving your selves too much credit! Mature is not really the word that I would use!!!!

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