Water, Water, Water Everywhere

It just wasn't enough that we had a basement full of water. Todays track meet just added fuel to the fire...it would rain and then stop and then rain again and stop. I parked so I could see the shot put pit. I told Sarah that I would be down to watch when I saw her taking off her warm-up suit. See that little tiny red speck on the left...that's Sarah. I wanted until the last moment to get out of the car to see Sarah throw. Mark made it to the meet just when she was packing up everything to run for cover. She did well. The older Varsity throwers threw in the low 30's (that in feet.) Sarah's best throw today was 28 feet and 6 inches. Now she is off the a 24 Relay that is a track fundraiser. The team will take turns running a mile for the next 24 hours. Wonder how long she will last?


TJ said…
Great Caption with all this spring rain!
Oh I do remember those days of running for the car...games resumes and all are soaked.
Happy to visit your post.
I am TJ and I wiped my feet when I entered your blog.
wishing you health, happiness and much laughter...what a beautiful family.
TJ said…
Great Caption with all this spring rain!
Oh I do remember those days of running for the car...games resumes and all are soaked.
Happy to visit your post.
I am TJ and I wiped my feet when I entered your blog.
wishing you health, happiness and much laughter...what a beautiful family.
Miss Yvonne said…
Just think, all of this wonderful rain will bring you a beautiful garden.

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