Track Season Once Again

After working all day, I met the troops in the parking lot of " place where they run in a big circle". I changed from professional preschool clothes to warmer track cheerleader/photographer attire. We looked like a herd of cattle...Mark, Emmy, Cassie, Ellis styling in his new boots, Alaire bundled in her stroller, Michael and Luke looking for a mud puddle to trample in and me.
This is Sarah's first throw of the season....28 feet 6 and 1/4 inches. Good enough for first place. Way to Go Sarah! She also earned a trip to the next meet where she will throw on Varsity.
You need to check out Cassie's blog to see what the boys did the entire meet. I got some "clean" pictures of them. All Ellis could do was try to keep up with the big boys. He followed them like a little puppy. They went to the top row of the bleachers...Ellis was not far behind. Can you tell that it was a little blustery up there? Here is a picture of clean boots. While Ellis was sitting enjoying the meet, Michael was walking the bleachers. He just couldn't sit still. It possibly could be all those meds he is on. Maybe it was because of that whole in his pants that he swore wasn't there..."everyone was just pranking him." I think his new favorite 'holiday' might just be April Fool's. Luke was all over the place. He was busy "planting tress" while the rest of us were cheering Sarah on to victory. I had to get a shot of his first missing tooth. He cracks me up! Be sure to stop over and check out Cassie's blog. She has a few funny stories to tell about the meet....


The Oakes said…
love the luke shot. the fiery red head.
Anonymous said…
that boy's mom must work at the dentist's office because he sure does have some good looking teeth!
Anonymous said…
emmy told me you were at turpin. why did'nt you tell me I could have come. you guys should come to my house some time. I can not wait to see micheal and Ellis again and meet Elair.

big nate

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