Spring is Really Here!

The first thing I did when we got home from our trip (to be blogged later) I had to take a walk around the yard to see what came up while we were gone. I love to do that. It feels sorta like Christmas morning to me. These pink hyacinths were hiding behind the old green chairs Mark found last year. Alaire and I took a little break under the tree to see if we could smell them at all. My sniffer wasn't working but I finally go a whiff of the magnolia tree. That smell is so sweet. I had forgotten that there was a bloom to this plant. It is a lungwort I think...such dainty flowers. One pink bloom and one blue bloom...one for each of our grand kids is how I like to remember them. I always think about that saying 'bloom where you are planted'...flowers do that and we have done that as a family in all the different places that we have lived. And come to thin of it...we have 'had' children in every state we have lived. Please, Lord, let us stay in Ohio...these old bones are getting a little creaky! A few mornings we were able to walk the boys to the bus in the morning and then again to pick them up in the afternoon. Ellis loved doing this. I don't know if it was the fact that he got to see Mikhail, see the bus and wave at the bus driver, pick up rocks or look at the pretty flowers. He kept calling this tulip a rose...or was that Michael? It almost looked like it was plastic. I have made a blogging buddy in WV that has given me great idea about introducing different art related activities to Michael. I have taken it one step further and decided that I should start looking at things a different way. So I took the camera out int he yard and came up with this really cool view of small grape hyacinths that Betsy gave me a few years ago. Remember in the beginning of this post I talked about the sweet smell of the magnolia in the back yard? I found the picture I was looking for.

One last picture...Luke's yard is filled with old trees. The birds must feel comfortable here because they have several bird nests...one even in their grill...and this one had three eggs in it. They found that one of the eggs had fallen out of the nest. Renee says that the next room she paints it will be this color blue...I think the correct name is robins' egg blue...duh. Wouldn't you love to have that job...naming all those colorful color names?


Katie R said…
I always thought it would be a dream job to name the crayons, or paint, or makeup/nail polish colors.... How fun!! :)
Love the flowers. Will have to have you come and give my yard a makeover someday.
Missed reading your blog while you were gone and missed seeing you in Cinci.

TJ said…
The flowers are always the catch of my eyes but those two precious eggs...wow. Spring is really here. You captured that well...TJ

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