Leaders of Distinction...The First Day

I have actually worked for two days to get a great Vegas blog for you but oh no, I was trying something different and totally lost the entire thing! So now I am going to have to do bits and pieces until I get it all together. So you will be reading about our trip one day at a time. Maybe that is better because the other one was 3 and 1/2 pages long! I'll try to condense it even more now that I have to do it all over.
Each year Circuit City honors the top Store Directors with a 'perkshop' This year the top 3% in the company were invited. This is a honor this year especially...long hours and tough decisions were made...making this a well deserved trip for Mark and the other Store Directors. That's right 'Sin City'. The company took the top 3% of store managers. There were a total of about 23 managers and the significant others along with a crew of 'suits' and spouses from Richmond.
We were able to stay that The Hotel at Mandalay Bay...the 32nd floor to be exact! The room was unbelievable! A suite with beautiful dark woodwork, three TV's (one in the bathroom), a phone in the master bath, another half bath, a queen size bed, a glassed in shower and a huge tub that I wish I could have brought home with me, and a wet bar. If you click on the hyperlink you can take a virtual tour of our room. Did I mention that this was a five day little vacation where we were wined and dined and pampered? And we had time to take a nap everyday, which was extremely hard for me to get used to. At registration we were given a carry on size piece of luggage filled with all kinds of goodies. Then we were off to the races...we walked for hours down the strip. Pictures from that walking tour will be in the next blog. That night we had a Welcome Reception on one of the Patios at the North Convention Center. One of the highlights for me is the surprise that waits for us each night after our evening activities. Our first night we found strawberries and champagne. I can tell you that the strawberries went fast. We did take a few sips of the champagne. I did manage to talk Mark into letting me bring the bottle home to add to the bottle tree in the back yard flower bed.


Anonymous said…
Sounds like you had a wonderful time. We missed seeing you while we were in Cincy last week. We enjoyed being able to see Cassie and the kids! That was such a treat! Thanks for your hospitality while you were in Nevada.

Karen (aka: O'ma)

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