Leaders of Distinction...Second Day

A day jammed so full we didn't have time to breathe. Up at the crack of dawn for another huge breakfast. The LOD had a meeting right after breakfast. The significant others met in a small room with the President of the Company. He wanted to know how we felt and what we needed from Circuit City. Let me just tell you that I was the oldest person in the room by a good 10 years. The wives were voicing legitimate concerns. All I could think about was 'be there, done that, got the t-shirt'. We have been through tough times with Circuit City, this one might be a little worse, but I honesty feel after talking to Phil that there will be a turn around. It won't come fast...don't they say that good things comes to those who wait? I don't think we are going to jump ship. I'm thinking that we will stand firm.

We had a $14.95 per person lunch buffet at the Bellagio. .They had everything that you could think of, and then some. I tried my first sushi. I still haven't figured out what all the fuss is about. But I can tell you that the desserts were awesome!

After our mongo lunch we decided that we better got for a long walk to work some of those millions of calories off. I decided that I would probably never see any of these people ever again so I just kept taking picture after picture. Here are just a few...Where else but in Vegas would you see a huge sphinx...only Vegas. This is the outside entrance to the Luxor...the one that is shaped like a pyramid. Down the street a few blocks we saw Paris...I knew this because there sat the Eiffel Tower. Michael was thrilled because you know all good chef's come from there and besides Ratatouille lives there too. I didn't get any pictures of the outside of the Bellaigo, but I did get a cool shot on the inside. Mark was off doing something and I was looking at all the different angels and stuff when I looked up and saw all these umbrellas hanging from the ceiling. I love this picture so much that it is now our screen saver. I wasn't the only one taking pictures either. They were really cool. I wish I had taken more. Caesars Palace has grown so much. Mark and I were in Vegas 7 years ago for another LOD. If you look around Vegas, you would never believe there are any economy problems. Things are going up on top of each other. Cities within the city. I thought Michael was going to jump out of his skin when he saw this picture. Treasure Island....he is ready to pack his bags and go stay on the pirate ship. He doesn't realize that it is only a display. (Vegas is one place I would never take my children.)
After all that walking we made our way to Starbuck's to meet Katie. Katie knows Trevor. Katie's Mom works at the same church as Trevor. Cassie has never met Katie. We collected two license plates...one from Ohio and one from WV. I am still looking for that one from WI. She is going to make a really cool map with reclaimed license plates. She cracks me up! She said that she recognized us from Cassie's blog. Small world. Do I look just a little tired and jet-lagged? I can't believe I am sharing this picture on here. It was the best of the bunch Mark took.

After a little nap, we got ready to be taken to Ray Romano and Brad Garrett at the Mirage. The actor that played Ray's friend, Gianni, on the show Everybody Loves Raymond, was the warm up act. He was really fast and funny. You really had to pay attention and listen fast. He cracked us up. Then Ray came out and we were laughing so hard we were crying. Then the place fell apart when Brad Garrett came on stage. And this was not a good thing. He was very inappropriate with his jokes and comments about different people in the audience. I wish we could have left at that point. We weren't the only ones that felt that way.

So that was busy day two. Stay turned for tomorrow I will tell you all about the Hoover Dam and KA.


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Anonymous said…
I stumbled upon your site while looking for a "Good Morning, This is God!" Mug. Your website came up in my search and I just wanted to say, what a beautiful website. I love the music, too! Keli

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