I Should Have Kept My Mouth Shut

A couple of weeks ago I was telling everyone what a great job my Dad and I did shoveling sand last summer so we wouldn't have a wet basement when all the snow melted or we had some rain. Well, I am hear to tell you all that we got water...lots of water! I have been up since about 5AM trying to get rid of all the water that is in the basement. This morning Mark had to be at work extremely early. He comes in the bedroom and shakes my foot...he is about ready to go out the door...to tell me that we have water in the basement. He isn't sure how much but he can hear it dripping. So I drag my sorry self out of bed and go to the basement. OH MY GOSH!!! And today I was to be in charge at preschool. I had to call the boss about 6:15AM to let her know that I would be fighting the water battle in the basement. We came up with a plan and I was off to try to figure out what to do with all that water? But first I had to find the source of all that water. I kept hearing water dripping. I finally made my way over to the corner of the room...the window well was full of water...up five inches on the window. I am literally up to my ankles in ice cold water. The water was collecting and slowly but surely making its way across the room to the drain in the laundry/sewing room. I think we might have to replace some 2x4's when all is said and done. On the other side of that nasty wall is our finished very wet basement.

Mark came home with a dehumidifier and a super strong vacuum. We will be working for while tonight and tomorrow is another day. I think it is supposed to rain tomorrow too. We are trying to come up with a game plan and dig a ditch somewhere. Wish us luck.


Anonymous said…
Many people run into the same problems as you when it comes to water in the basement. What a pain!

Take a look at this site - www.wet-basement-waterproofing.com.

There's lots of good info on the site about why water comes in a basement, and how to prevent it. There's a good many products listed there that may be helpful to you as well.

Best of luck with your basement!

Miss Yvonne said…
I feel your pain. We got so tired of cleaning up after heavy rain and snow melting that we put in a submersible sump pump. It seems to be working quite well now. I could bring the crew down to help bail like at Halloween!!!

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