I Did It!

I love the Robin's! I just asked for a little help...and it came with almost every comment. Thank you so much. I have been sitting here at the computer playing with all the suggestions and have decided on using Jan's suggestion of Picnik.com...simply because it is so simple to use!
So here is the new edited version of my Round Robin Photo Challenge... I feel a whole new dimension will be added to the picutes on our blog now. Look out, you may have just created a monster. See...an old dog CAN learn new tricks. I am so proud!


Steven said…
Great! The fun really begins when you can push the pixels about.
MyMaracas said…
Awesome! This challenge does offer a chance to learn quite a lot. Nice shot.

Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind comment.
Molly said…
You did a fine job on adding the caption. Sometimes the right software makes computer tasks easier.
Miss Yvonne said…
Jan, not only has that been my favorite picture in your house, I now love the caption too. So much so that I printed the photo with caption and put it in a frame and set it amungst my family pictures. Your photography and computer skills mave multiplied many fold. You have too keep up with technology, becasue soon, Michale will be learning it too.

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