Dirt under My Nails...again
I'm going to have to find some way to garden in gloves that will last more than one week. I have already trashed one pair of garden gloves. Today I wore Mark's leather ones. They are nice but awfully large. I think I ended up with as much dirt in them as I had in my red gardening shoes.
Speaking of shoes...Ellis grew out of these while he was here...so in the flower bed they go. I haven't decided what kind of flower to put in the yet. But I did put them in the center of the flower bed that I can see while I am sitting on the couch in the family room....he might be out of site but never out of my mind. I love them!
This little beauty.....Jack in the Pulpit, finally bloomed. I think we might have a few more that are trying to come up in the hosta bed under the oak tree. I just happened on it last year out behind the barn. I was so excited. Did I mention that I love finding little surprises that I had no idea were in the yard. Love that too.
Our azalea bushes all are so 'Charlie Brown' but that is okay...I fell sure that after this year Mark will take his cutters and do a little number on then to 'fatten' them up for next year. He doesn't like 'leggie'bushes. He is experimenting on one of the burning bushed s in the backyard. I'll let you know.
This is my nature shot for today...as if they all aren't. But look closely...there is a bee. I took my life into my own hands today to get this shot. I am allergic to bees...epipen and all. See what I sacrifice for this blog. I think it is a pretty darn good shot for me and my little camera. Just imagine what I could do if I had a good camera and the knowledge to do it...the sky could be the limit! Maybe in my old age.
I never tire of finding little treasures in the yard. While weeding (what seems to be the back 40) today I found this behind a pile of leaves and weeds. It is a double miniature daffodil. There are only about six of them. And that makes them even more special.
In a few days this variegated Solomon's Seal will be in full bloom. That was fast I'd say. It's kinda like watching your kids grow up. One day they are just small little things and then the next time you turn around they are tall and all grown up...blooming where they are planted.