10 Years and Counting

I remember it like it was yesterday. We had gotten the call from Beech Acres that there was a 6 year old girl that needed to live with us for awhile thru foster care. Our first placement. We were nervous and excited all in the same breath. I called Louann, our respite care provider, and she came to be with Sarah while I signed paperwork. The appointed time came. A blue car pulled up and a little girl bounded out of the car and up our front steps in about three milliseconds. Sarah had arrived! And the rest as they say, is history.
To celebrate the milestone tonight Mark, Sarah and I went to the new Sonic that just opened. She has decided that her new favorite drink is the strawberry smoothie. Sounds like a great treat after a long track practice. Happy Got Cha' Day!


Anonymous said…
congratulations sarah! sometimes we do not know why the dear lord makes choices for us that we don't understand. On this one I think we know and understand. You(and Michael) are part of a wonderful family that love you guys no matter what. My kids love you too!! Hope you had a great gotcha day!!
Miss Yvonne said…
Sarah, Happy gottcha Day! I can't believe it's been already ten year that you've been with your parents. Cherish each moment for you never know when life can take strange turns.
Sarah - Happy Gotcha Day.

The Oakes said…
happy gotcha day...too bad i wasn't here i love me some sonic!
Katie R said…
Happy gotcha day. Hope you arrived home safely. Ps. I blogged :)
Katie R said…
i am getting impatient for a new blog! :) hope you are getting re-adjusted to ohio time.

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