Round Robin...Nice Place to Sit

I was checking all my new friends "Early Birds" and I found that there is a new Round Robin Photo Challenge...Nice Place to Sit. I immediately knew what I was going to do. You see, I have two places that I love to park myself when I need to regroup...In the summer this is where you will find me sipping some sweet tea with a good book or just listening to the birds and watching them in the feeders. (we are officially old) This is a nice place to sit with friends from far off places like WI or from right across the driveway. It is so peaceful. You can see it but there is a little fountain with the most relaxing sound. And our newest edition is a huge wind chime that will put you to sleep if you sit long enough. Michael took this shot just the other day when he was experimenting with my camera. Gloomy rainy days you can find me here with a cup of coffee and a good book. We bought this chair because it was just big enough for me and one I can share it with our two grandchildren when they come to visit. It is a great soothing place.


Your porch is beautiful! I would sit for hours in such a nice spot. I can also see myself spending long rainy days curled up in that comfy chair. I would never get anything done if I had those places to sit LOL
Jan said…
Your front porch is great. The mention of sweet tea is sooo Southern. When we travel, we always have to say "regular" tea, and the server almost always says, you must be from California. Your chair looks so comfy. My daughter has a similar one, named Ralph, that is called a chair and a half.
Anonymous said…
That is one thing I miss not having at my house. Don't be surprised if you fine my sweet butt sitting on your front porch drinking unsweet tea with a good book too!!
They both look so restful!

Mine's up too!
Wise Old Dog said…
Ahh this old dog could sit on that porch all day! Nice picture.
Celeste said…
I love the porch. Having a fountain makes it that much better.
Just yesterday I was thinking about the evenings just before dusk when I was a kid in Manlius, NY, with both adults and kids hanging out on a patio watching the evening arrive. I'm glad to known there are places like that still!
Gattina said…
I would like these places too !!
Carly said…
Hi Jan :)

Lovely! I have always wanted a porch like that one, with the high back chairs and a swing. Oh well, maybe someday. :) I love the chair in your home, again, just the kind I have been considering. Big, overstuffed comfyness. :)

Always, Carly
Becky said…
Ooo! Look at the porch swing! That's, like, my dream porch right there. I barely have a front stoop.
MyMaracas said…
Oh my, what great places to be! I'm not sure I could decide between the porch and that big comfy chair. The potos are lovely, too.
Suzanne R said…
Both places are so totally inviting! I could see myself settling with great pleasure into each spot. Very nice entry!
Unknown said…
I think I would really enjoy sharing your porch with you while we watch our grandchildren play. :)
Kiva said…
Can I be your friend and sit on the porch with you? What a wonderful place.
Martha said…
Ahhhh, looks like wonderful places to sit. I especially love your beautifl porch!

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