The Theater

Michael and I got to go to the theater last night compliments of Sykler and his Mom. I got a phone call while Michael was at McKean's birthday party wanting to know if we would like to go. I was torn because we go to church on Saturday night. But I decided that it would be a great opportunity for Michael. (I was remembering what my blogging art teacher buddy to me.."Go to museums!...There are a lot of nice places in Cicny to see good art. Even just a walk around downtown to check out the architecture works. Just do it on a regular basis, so he can see that are can take so many forms." So....I jumped in the shower, got dressed and went to pick up Michael. He of course wanted to stay at the party was over, don't get the idea that I made him leave early...we scurried around here like chickens with our heads cut off getting ready.I have only been to the Taft one other time. Raffi was there and my sister brought Molly, my niece, and we had seats directly on the other side from where we sat last night.(Remember Molly, Baby Beluga was the most beautiful whale you had ever seen?) While we were waiting for the play to start I had the boys looking at all the different architectural designs in the ceiling and on the walls. We found scorpions, and something that looked like a whale, small murals that seemed to be hidden unless you had a keen eye like us (LOL). I wish I had a really nice camera so I could have taken some great pictures but oh, well...someday. The play lasted about an hour which was perfect. We said good bye to Skyler's aunt, uncle and cousin and headed to Hyde Park to one of Michale's all time favorite restaurants...Zipp's. They have great hamburgers. But the best part is that they have trainthat runs on tracks that run around the ceiling and every once in awhile someone blows the whistle. Emmy and the girls take us to lunch there sometimes, too. We had a great time! Thanks you guys!


Anonymous said…
It sounds great! I can't wait to hear Michael's version of what you did.
Anonymous said…
Awesome!!! I love Robin Hood. That was the first play I was ever in. I remember all my lines, still. (Probably helps that I had two: "YAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!" and "Ooooohhhhhhhhh!!!!" Hahahaha!!!!)

I meant to tell you earlier that I love your kitchen in the "everybody helps" picture. I wanted white cabinets so bad, but my hubby talked me out of them. I love the color combo in your kitchen!
The Oakes said…
sounds like a blast.....i just hope we don't go fron engineer overalls to pirates stripes and eye patch to.........eeek robin hood tights!
Anonymous said…
well caz he is almost Robinhood in tights as Spando man!
Anonymous said…
I loved that play also! I went the night before wich was opening night for that play. That night I was at the syphoney because Luke's schools orchestra had famly night there and we got to see luke's base teacher who also plays in the symphoney. I like the play better than the movie and I knew alot of the main characters like maid marian, the girl and the boy.

Big Nate

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