Monday of Spring Break
What do you do on your Spring Break? We know spring cleaning...where you move everything, clean every thing like you have never cleaned before.
Sarah was in charge of sweeping and dusting and polishing everything that is wood. We do a room at a time so it is not so overwhelming...but it takes us all week to do it. That's okay...what else do we have to do right? Not to mention...applying for a summer job. Sarah has applied at these wonderful establishments...Starbucks (they ran out of applications)...DQ...that is my pick...Subway...were Sarah wants to carry on the Ellis Family Children First Job Traditon...KMart..because they are close...Meijer...thought it might be a good idea but then found out you have to push carts until you are 18...Panera Bread...they weren't hiring in our neighborhood...and the Park District Day Camp Asst...she actually has an interview Wednesday at 1PM. She is really excited about it. She heard that they pay about $8... an hour and when you graduate you get paid $10 an hour. ( Does she realize that she will be getting up at the crack of dawn and out in the hot sun all morning?) She will continue with the community papers on Wednesdays. I see those dollar signs just flashing in her eyes. Wish her luck.
Michael, on the other hand has busied himself all day. The only time I have seen him is for lunch and when I had to switch laundry. Seems he is now the proud owner of a "Craft Store" in the basement. He has worked hard lining up all the craft supplies that he can find. I am the only free customer...meaning 'I can have whatever I want in the entire store.' He is working to save money to buy the wood that we will need to build that pirate ship in the back yard. He cracks me up....Emmy is coming shopping on Wednesday so he said he needs to get a lot more stuff because he is going to make her pay. What do you be that he will probably be the one with the most money at the end of the day?