Jack and the Beanstalk

Michael and I had a night out..date night but he promises that he won't marry me "because I am already married to Dad." He chose seats on the back row. I think he was a little concerned about what we were going to see, even though I explained it all to him before hand. Mrs. Wolf sat with us and we kept trying to figure out if the giant was real or an actual puppet. About 3/4 of the way through we figured out he was real...only in a costume, not to be scared.
After the play the two brothers let us meet and greet the puppets. We were one of the last to check them out. I think Michel was still a little scared of them. I can't figure out why, they weren't the least bit scary.
The princess was beautiful. All the little girls were going crazy over her. She was just like them...about that tall. The way them moved the puppets made you almost believe they were real.
Of all the pictures I took, this has to be my favorite. Jack seemed to be real. He even fell off the stage and had to crawl back on by himself. I was really impressed. The preschool has been having this Family Night for years...guess they started after we moved to WI. We will go again next year...I only hope that we sit a little closer next time.


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