It Is Official...

Michael was our offical 'Dip Stick Operator' today. It took him a little while to figure out which end of the tape measure went into the snow.It is official...we have one foot...12 inches of snow in our yard! I am telling you, it was like a WI snow storm only without all the wind. Skyler can down to play all day today. Somewhere in the yard there is a black tobogan, probably buried under 4 inches of snow. We will find it in the spring thaw. When Mark finally made it home...yes he drove in a Level III Snow Emergency and no, thank heavens he didn't get arrested...we all went out to shovel our driveways. Mark and John both got stuck at the bottom. Our right side neighbor...'Boot Country'...felt sorry for us and let us use their snow blower. You might be asking what ever happened to that really nice snow blower we had in WI...well, it is sitting in the barn, just sitting there collecting dust. For some reason it hasn't worked for the last two winters...something about leaving gas in it all winter long. Sarah was out helping push the snow blower. I think she decided that is wasn't as fun as it looked. She cleaned off all the cars so we could move them to move more snow.The boys thought it was great fun to stand in the line of fire from the snow blower. John just kept covering them up. Michael cried (go figure) when it was time to come in for dinner. I think he would live out in the snow if possible. I can only imagine what tomorrow is going to bring. We have heard through the grapevine (Sarah's sources) that the side streets won't even begin to be cleared off until at least Monday. Hmmmmm...Snow Day maybe?


I heard on the news Ohio was having its biggest snowstorm in many years. I can't decide whether to be pleased or sorry to be missing it!

Former Columbus resident Karen
Anonymous said…
Nice pics, I really like the driving advice!! Glad Mark made it home safe! Boot country to the rescue! It looks like the boys had a great time!!
Unknown said…
Fresh snow is so pretty, we need some fresh on the multitude of inches in our yard. :) Wisconsin winters, gotta love 'em.

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