Easter Weekend

It is officially Spring Break here! Friday morning, of course, we didn't get to sleep in. Sarah had to be on the track for practice at 9AM. No problem, Michael and I went in our jammies. I love to do that..drives Sarah nuts. Michael has been a mad man about Easter decorations...we just don't have enough...actually we don't have any. Of course, Miss Renee has a ton. So Michael has it in his head that we needs tons too.
Michael's idea of Easter decorations sure is totally different from mine. I have been working on folding window stars and he is decorating paper Easter eggs to hang in the house. He even got Sarah to join in when she came home from practice.

Saturday Mark was still under the weather but still went to work which probably wasn't a very good idea. He came straight home and went to bed. Sarah, Emmy, Michael and I went to church and then to dinner at our favorite Mexican place. Michael couldn't eat fast enough...he wanted to go home and dye eggs. He was possessed! Emmy came over to help. Egg dying set up was on the kitchen table with all bodies present. Michael has told me for a solid week that he was going to paint a black pirate egg. All week I tried to explain the magic crayon. Emmy finally was the one who won him over. Even with no black paint. He settled for all pitate pictures on the eggs. I'm not sure how he is going to hang=lde the eggs getting eated later. There could be trouble in River Cities.
Mark always makes a special egg...a combo egg. When the last egg is removed from the dye, he combines all the liquid and dumps his egg in. This year we have a lovely army green color which Michael says is beautiful. All the eggs are now drying on the table and Michael is ready to do more. Sorry son, it is was past your bed time. And of course he isn't ready to go to bed. But we remind him that the EB won't come as long as he is awake. So he runs up stairs and gets in bed.
Sunday morning finds Mark still sick and Michael miserable. But that didn't stop the big Easter Basket/Egg Hunt. Michael was a mad man. He was so excited about every egg he saw.

Emmy want to go to church to hear some traditional Easter hymns. So Sarah and I meet her at Mt. Washington. It was great to be there. If I closed my eyes I was taken back about 8 years. It was sad because there were some faces missing but there were tons of warm hugs and smiles from dear sweet friends.
All the little kids are now tall and driving. The high schoolers back in the day, are now married with kids. The church building has gone through some changes but the people are still as loving and caring as always. It was good to be home.
Bryce, Tini and the dogs came for dinner after church. Seems I never get a picture of Tini and Tobi but I promise I will the next time. Tini brought some really pretty, really good cupcakes...at least I could get a picture of her for the blog.For now, we will just have to checkout Bryce and Seau. Bryce really hasn't changed...still got those red cheeks...but Seau is so white in the face. But she hangs in there with Tobi and Ella. She a good old girl. You would never think she was somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 years old. She can run and bark with Tobi and Ella for a little while. Then she just collapses on the couch or my lap just to watch the other two nuts run and chase a ball. And she still loves me the best!


The Oakes said…
glad to see the apperance of "spandex man" on the blog. also, i think we can now say it is official, the days of the trains are over....i'm just wishing i knew what comes after the pirates?
Unknown said…
Happy Easter! Looks like you guys had a great weekend! I love holidays for the family times they bring. :)
Jan AKA Wammy said…
I think I know waht comes after pirates...construction worker.
Anonymous said…
glad you had a great weekend. skyler had up up at 5am, well at least he tried. We told him no earlier than 7. He made me get up at 7. I was like, dude this isn't Christmas!! But we had a great day too!!

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