All Good Things Must Come To An End

Today is the actual official last day of spring break. :( Everyone seems to have a different way of passing this day. Michael has decided pj's all day and working in the Art Gallery. Sarah plans to waste away to nothingness while tucked under her covers in a dark quiet room. Every morning, rain or shine, she was up and on the track for practice at 9AM. Sleep is what she has been deprived of this week. She and some friends had a surprise birthday party for one of her friends. I know for a fact that they were still up when I got up at 6AM. So I guess she is trying to catch up. Mark has gone to work bright and early and is scheduled to stay until the doors close. And I hope to accomplish in one day what I could have done over the entire week...laundry, blog catch-up, picture taking, cooking, planning for the CO crew visit that begins tomorrow...YEA...dusting, sweeping, pondering...Ella has decided that she needs to be in and out a million times today already at it is not even noon. The good thing is that she has learned to 'ring' the hummingbird basket that hangs on the front door knob. It gives a little jingle as a result of all the old dog tags we have collected over the years. Such a smart dog to be so dumb in other areas. :)
Because we actually know now what Michael is allergic to I have removed all the plants from the house. Not only is he allergic to the plants themselves but also the dirt in which they are rooted. Great...everything must stay outside.
It really wasn't too bad...only two things. Last week Mark started trimming the bushes...his favorite spring time activity...I hate it because everything looks so bad once he and his happy shears get finished...this forsythia was forced to bloom early and now I am trying to root it so I can plant some more of it in the backyard and let it go wild...that is if Mark keeps his paws off it.
Michael and I made a trip to Circuit City this week and for the life of me I can't remember why...oh now I do...Mark's car which had become Emmy's Nanny Wagon...had something crazy going on with the radio. (You could be standing on the front porch and hear a thumping, cracking noise coming from the air tight car in the driveway)...something about a blown woofer? Michael was so excited to see that Dad actually did hang his drawing on the bulletin board at work.
Michael had to take a picture of Sarah's creation that was on top of the file cabinet. I guess Ellis, Alaire, Bryce, Cassie, Emmy and I better get something together so we can be represented.
I have been busy finishing up all the window stars for preschool and more for the house. These two are right at the front door. Every morning when you walk down the steps they are the first things that you see. I wonder if Ellis will even notice them? Will he want some for his house? Will they catch Alaire's eyes? Just how long will they actually last? I wish it had been sunny outside so you could see the brightness of the colors when the sun is shining thru.

Yesterday afternoon Emmy, Michael and I went to a rummage sale at a church in Maderia. Thank heavens we have TomTom. We were in search of treasures and Emmy found a doosey! This shelf's first home seems to have been a post office. After it retired from there, it found it's way to the choir room of this church. The ladies were so excited about selling it for $5...what a bargain! Emmy plans to put it in my basement, in my sewing room. Then she plans to put all her fabric from the millions of projects that she has done. Right now I have all of her stuff stored in a huge garbage bag. I'm hoping we can carry it downstairs without hurting ourselves.

As I was strolling the yard this morning...I saw a little bit of green peeking up thru the blades of my old push mower from Betsy. Now when I look at the picture I see two seasons...the brown leaf from the fall and the new green shoots for the spring. I just thought it was a pretty artsy kind of picture.
After 'rummage saleing', Emmy, Michael and I went to Kelli and Trevor's to plan games. Emmy is house sitting and keeping Dash, the boxer, company. What a hoot those few hours were. Michael loves games. Emmy is a pro! I took a few cat naps and the videos. I stink at all video games, just ask Emmy! (Sarah Beth you are going to love this one)

We had to have Michael stand on a chair because he wasn't tall enough to reach the screen with his aim. He loved it!


OK I read your blog just so I can see the crazy things you all get into. I was busting a gut watching Michael playing video games. Too funny!

Anonymous said…
This is my first official blog comment! The video was so funny and I love the shelf, I am a sucker for a good bargain.
Jan AKA Wammy said…
You know that Emmy...she can smell a bargin from miles away! Just wait until you see what it will look like with fabric in it. I'm...I mean we...are going to have the best looking laundry/sewing room ever. So when are you coming back?

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