53 Days

53 just for those of you that are counting down the days until Michael's "graduation" to first grade...it is in 53 days. Everyday we get a report. I think the teacher might be secretly counting down the days until the end of the year...I think she has had a pretty tough one...and she is pregnant...so I am sure that she is ready to be finished with all those snotty nosed little hooligans. So mark it on you calendars...we have...53 days.


The Oakes said…
nice smile, he looks like he might be up to something!
Anonymous said…
When is the graduation party?
Anonymous said…
Wow, that isn't long! This has been a short school year.

Michael is so cute! That picture is adorable! He's gonna be a heartbreaker.
Anonymous said…
Re: your blog question.

I use Wordpress, on my own server, which allows me to use these little programs called "plugins" which allow me to do special tricks with my blog. I don't think you can do this with blogger. Maybe you can, but I am not that familiar with Blogger's "tweakability." :)

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