Sarah's Big Step

Sarah took a big step yesterday. When I picked her up from school , we headed straight for the bank to open a saving account, a checking account and to get a Debit card. First, let me explain the method to our maddness. Thanks to Aunt Kate and her 'Envelope System of Budgeting'....ask Cassie, she swears by have an envelope with tithe written on the front. First thing every payday, 10% of your earnings goes in there for your tithe to church. Next you pay yourself...Sarah gets $10 'mad money' for all those wonderful foolish things girls have to have. The there are two more for savings and one for checking. Whatever is left after the first two envelopes is divided equally and placed in the envelopes until you can get to the bank. Her savings will be just withdrawls allowed. Her checking will be used for writing that one monthly check to the newspaper for their half of the collections. Her debit card is to be used to deposit and for shopping for things like dresses and shoes for dances, make-up....
I think she might just like this job a little more than she did the first night she threw papers. Ever since she has been raking in the dough, things have looked a little better. She has actually gone out and collected twice now. Her collections are due on the 11th, so I think she might hit the last houses one more time before calling it quits for the first month. I'll let you know what her grand total is on the 11th. But you have to see the little rig she hooked up to pass papers from tonight. The girl does have a brain in that thick skull...We used to use that old milk crate to store garden shoes and dirty boots. But now I guess it is officailly the paper holding/paper delivering crate. Sarah swears that it works so much better that trying to throw the papers from she black school bag. It must have worked because she was back in record time tonight.


The Oakes said…
wow not only is she a she is an inventor!

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