
Sundays...ahhhh...how I love lazy, rainy, gloomy, cold Sundays. Serious...what better day to snuggle up with a cup of hot tea or coffee with a good book? Today I have chosen one of my Mom's old cookbooks.Whenever I have a cooking question, I go to good old Betty Crocker...copyright 1950...four years before I was born. I am amazed that the binding is still holding together. I love soup, stews...anything you can eat with a spoon and can throw everything left over from the fridge. So I am reading and come to page 364...the page is titled SOUP. This is some of what I learned...
"Each nation has its own special soups, rich in chunks of meat, hearty with vegetables and barley, rice or macaroni. Such soups have long been celebrated in song and story. Some even as cures for varous ailments, like the soup called "Resturant" which was popular in 16th Century France. People believed it had "restorative" powers. A chef printed the name above his door to tell all that he was serving it. In time, "restaurant" came to mean a place where all kinds of foods were served."


sheltonfamily said…
I love your blog...I've been meaning to comment. I love your pictures of the snow as I am so jealous in TX. We love the CO Oakes....and it is fun to connect with you! Oh that picture (vintage one) does look just like Ellis and Alaire. ...I'm guessing you thought the one with curly hair was Ellis? He's such a sweet boy..I wish we only lived near each other longer!

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