Michael's Art Gallery

I love my blog. I love the way that it leads you to all sorts of people with all sorts of interests. If you read about Bobby in the post before you will have sorta met my newest Internet/Blog friend. And just so happens she is from WV...what could be better. Ashe is an art teacher and I think she thinks that Michael might have some talent. Maybe more than hi Mom thinks…I think all of his drawings are priceless but I think she see something in them…from an artist/art teacher’s point of view. I emailed her and ask her for some suggestions. Wow! Did she ever open my eyes to really cool things that I think Michael is going to love. We have always had art work on the fridge and his art work on his walls in his bedroom…..so this morning almost the minute he finished chewing and swallowing his breakfast we went to the basement and created an Art Gallery. I never realized how many drawings and paintings we have. We had a ball. We worked all morning. He has decided that we need to buy some real frames for all this artwork. I agree. So we decided to do to the Dollar Store and get some next payday. WE will showcase one of his favorites…a different one each month. While I was cutting out letters and tearing tape he was working hard. We got some books at he library. The librarian was impressed when Michael asked her for “some good books of drawing and painting”. She showed him shelf after shelf of books. You should have seen his eyes! We had to settle on four. He has already told me that he is going to take them back next Friday and get more. While I was working I was watching him out of the corner of my eye. He would study the pictures in the book and then he would draw. It was priceless!


Anonymous said…
I can not wait to come to the art gallery! How much does it cost for a private tour? Is there a gift shop?
Anonymous said…
Tell Michael I would really like to go and visit the art gallery too, tell him to think of the price, it's serious... I absolutely loooove arts, and love to paint! Tell him that whenever we go and visit we will have serious talks about it... we can even have some time together painting... I can't wait... Take care, Andrea.... And by the way, how do I choose and identity in this thing?? I chose anonymous...
Miss Yvonne said…
That's aweinspiring. you should do the who basement and goiong up the stairs that way. You know, cheap acrylic frame3s are great for wall art and protects the pictures.

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