Looking for Ellis and Alaire

Cassie sent me a little challenge. And a challenge I am up for. Little does she know that I will find all sorts of pictures…so maybe she doesn’t want anyone else to see. The challenge was to find baby pictures of Cassie and Emmy that I thought looked like Alaire and Ellis. That I did…then I thought why not find pictures of some of the other family members and see if anyone things we resemble each other.
• Can you figure out who all these people are?
• Have we triggered a memory?
• Do you think Ellis and Alaire look like Cassie’s side or do they resemble Trevor’s family?
• Do you have any pictures that you would like to share of any of our kids when they were small?
It was fun getting out the old photographs and the baby books. I never realized that we kept so much. I think I need to rework all the baby books! I guess I will just have to start on that our next Snow Day.


Anonymous said…
hey is that one piccture Sarah, at first I thought it was me, but now I am not sure I thin it is her.
Miss Yvonne said…
Don't rework the baby books. I'll bring my scrapbooking stuff on our next visit and we can spend time redoing the books together.

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