Cooking Class
Since the boys were sick, Byrce and Tini opted not to come on Sunday for dinner. We were hoping Tini would come and bring Tobi and her famous cookies with sprinkles. They are the very best...melt in your mough and give you that real sweet tingle in the back of your throat. Cassie went to the store and got a cake mix...the one with confetti...AKA...sprinkles.
If you read the directions you too can make some yummy cookies. Ellis is all about sprinkles. He carried the container into the house and proceded to open them.
The boys worked so hard. Every sprinkle had to be in a special place. At one point Ellis was using his sprinkle spoon and a dipping into the sprinkles and icing...sorta taste testing.
They loved 'em and wanted to eat them all in one setting. We had to be smarter than the boys and hid the cookies in the microwave.