
Michael is starting to be on the computer a little more now that we have found a great web site for new readers. But tonight we ran across a transformer game...oh my goodness! Here is just a snippet for you to enjoy.
Always being a teacher, I have been using the words on the game...teachable, pause, game know all those important video game words. This is as close to a video games as any of the Ellis children have ever gotten. I hate to say it but I think times are a changing around here.


The Oakes said…
oh the privelage of the last born.....well you know what i mean. happy got ya day.
Anonymous said…
Man he has you wrapped around his finger. We got the shaft all we got were Mario Brothers and Ninja Turtles. But then again he doesnt have a junk yard to play in and a rope swing in the backyard.
Miss Yvonne said…
I recommend the new nintendo wii. It gets you up out of our seat and interracting with other players and the game itself. Knew you;d come around to this century eventually. DJ's goiung to have to get on that web site at the sema time and call him so they can play long distance together.
Jan AKA Wammy said…
Ms. Yvonne and Mr. Brogan's I think you better go back and read the fine print...not a mention of buying any video games was mentioned. I was referring to games that are on the computer. I think you all know me better than that...

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