Something New

If you have your volume on in just a few seconds you should hear some music. I finally figured out how to add music to our blog. I am trying to add music that means something to our family. I am looking for songs that are so old it isn't even funny. Songs that the kids grew up with, songs that we enjoy now and new songs that we have heard on the radio. I think I read somewhere (and Leigh Ann I might need you help on this one)that you are able to turn the volume down on the music if you prefer. I was wondering how it would work if music was playing and you were trying to listen to one of the videos. So I am working on that and hope to have that little kink worked out soon. So sit back enjoy the new music, check out the pictures and read the blog.

DUH...that was a hard one to figure out. If you would rather not listen to the music, if you go all the way to the end of the you will find a playlist. On the top right corner of the play list there is a little speaker with sound waves going out, click on it and adjust the volume accordingly. I amaze my own self sometimes!


Miss Yvonne said…
I thought the music was from your Christmas card. Great music

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