Michael's Gotcha Day
Some of you probably have no idea what today is...it is a very special day in our family! December 5, 2001 Michael came to live with us.
We were in the process of adopting Sarah at the time. We were also the foster family for one of Michael's siblings, Michelle...who was about the same age as Sarah.We just felt the need to hear the little pitter patter of feet on the floor and I needed some more hand prints to clean off the windows. It was about 5PM, cold and dark when he arrived at our front door. He was only 4 days old...thus Gotcha Day. What more could a child want but to wake up on a special day to find school delayed for two hours because of snow. ( Mind you, it was only about 2 inches) I was looking thru Michael's pictures and ran across this card from our caseworker.
John wrote this card and gave it to Michael at his adoption party three years and four months later. If you want to read it just left click on it and it will get bigger. Now, back to the snow and 2 hour delay from school this morning. Our doorbells rings around 8AM and it is Mazzie from three doors down, wanting to know if anyone here wanted to come out and have a snowball fight. Michael politely explained to her that he had to eat his hot cinnamon rolls first for his Gotcha Day but then he would come out. And that is just what we did. Mazzie came in to stay warm while Michael ate breakfast. Then we were all outside dodging snowballs...including Ella Bella. During which time Mark and I figured that we should probably go buy some snow pants and snow jacket for all the hours of snow play that will undoubtably happen this winter.
Michael LOVES the snow! And I know we have at least 35 snow angels all over our yard. I guess you could maybe say that we are well protected. I think this picture pretty much sums up the day...smiles all around.