Believe it or not...Michael turned 6 today!

Michael was up bright and early by 6:30AM ready to start his special day! What we had planned ...well let's just say it is filled with excitement. But before any festivities could begin and before Mark could go to work...we needed a very special birthday day song...
Then Michael decided that he was having chocolate cake for breakfast. Okay, by only have one birthday a year right! Then before 8AM all the gifts were opened and the day had begun. Sarah had to be at school around 8:30AM to help at the craft show. She called around one for us to pick her up. Little did she know but she was going to be there just a little longer. Emmy, Michael and I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. Cars everywhere and hardly a place to park. We walked thru and Michael found a booth that had nothing but pirate things. He ended up with a Jolly Roger flag and a treasure chest complete with jewels and a gold coin. The lady was a real pirate...we know this because she knew how pirates talked. AARGG me matey! After that show we drove to Old Milford and went to Ms. Renee's church. They were having a flea market/craft show. We decided even thought the one at the high school was way bigger, we like the one at the church much better. We even found some treasures for $2. One for Cassie and one for me. We were starting to get hungry so off to Taco Bell we went to order 10 for $10. Now everyone is doing their own thing,,,Michael is playing with his stuff, Sarah is in front of the TV and Em is sewing...we found some new ideas to try. We might even be thinking of getting a booth for next years fair. Wouldn't that be a riot!
Then it was about time for dinner...and what did the birthday boy have but Papa John's pepperoni please. And some more chocolate cake. We had decided early on that we would have to wait until Sunday to really have a "party" because everyone was either in school or working. Sunday Luke would say, "Let's get this party started!" And that is exactly what we did! The house was filled with laughter, adults talking, dogs barking, and kids doing what kids do at parties...being loud. All music to my ears! Michael said more than once that this was the best birthday ever! Speaking of dogs...Tini got the dogs all a birthday party treat....

Transformers are the best. Last night I caught him sitting in his bed with all his new transformers and pirate hot wheel cars lined up at his feet and he was shinning a flashlight on each one talking to them. He even got a Transformer t-shirt and he wore it to bed and then to school today. I say what the heck, you are only six once...and besides it was clean!


The Oakes said…
love the song and all the bday stories. i can't believe he would be okay with sleeping in it and wearing it the next day...he is so ocd.
Kendra White said…
Did the treats for the dog come from Hyde Bark in Hyde Park. We love that place for our dog Tye. I am thinking I need to make a trip to get her some treats for Christmas
leigh ann said…
oh i'm so glad bubba can still sing. his influence is long-lasting, you know. greg and i both still sing "when the rolls are served up yonder" and grin the whole time. can't help it!

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