Another Trial...

I don't even know how to begin this heart is really heavy. To make a long story short I will just give you the basics. The Bartholomew's are the most giving and caring family I think I know. They would give up anything for someone in need. And if that wasn't enough they would call around and get others to pitch in. Chrissy was in "my" youth group several years ago. She has since graduated from high school and college and is now attending seminary in the Chicago area. I can't remember when this trail began but it began with Chrissy not feeling well and just not being her jovial self. She was admitted to a hospital in Chicago. They determined there I believe that she suffers from Lupus. They called it a flair up. She came home to rest and ended up back in the hospital again with a flair-up. One day at the end of last week she developed a migraine that would not go away and loss of sight due to swelling of the blood vessels in her brain. The doctors here have decided that she should go to the Cleveland Clinic. As I write this she and her mother, Louann are in the back of an ambulance with her Dad, Dale following in the car, on the way to the Cleveland Clinic. Please pray for their travels to be save. Pray for relief for Chrissy. Pray for strength. Pray for the doctors to be wiser than beyond wise. Just PRAY!


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