Trains, Trains, and More Trains and two little boys

Mark was off today so after lunch we took Michael and a train enthusiasts also downtown to the Duke Energy Train Display. What a great day and time to lines and lots of train time...even got to talk to a few of the engineers. The explained the turn-table. Where the cameras were and just about anything else little boys would like to know about trains.We were able to talk the boys into going outside to look at the train yard. Just in time to see one of the engineers fixing another train to get ready to go out on the track. If they could have crawled thru the grass they would have done it. There is a special Little People viewing area that is carpeted, decorated and really nice. They boys didn't spend too much time there...Mark had to lend a hand or should I say knee so they could see all the tracks. One of the trains...(the Big Boy) has a camera mounted in the front of the engine. A funny side older lady was standing by Mark and the boys and her comment was..."a grandpa will do anything for his grandsons"...not to worry, I set her straight. There must be a hundred trains. And every time you turn a corner you see something else. The train on the right, the blue C&O is the train with the camera...and on the left is yet another Big Boy. I wish I could have taken the time to take a video if the construction workers on the bottom left of this picture. Several of them had jack hammers that were actually in motion. There were a few workers with shovels shoveling snow. They were great. Didn't see them during our trip last year. You can see two engineers in the background. They are repairing an engine and working the round table for the boys. It was another great day in the Big City...a new Ellis family Christmas tradition.


Oh! How cool does that look? Josiah would have a grand time there. Looks like you all had so much fun.

Kendra White said…
Ok so I need the info on where that is. We may be heading to Cincy soon because some of our friends just has a baby, but I would LOVE to take John Hunter there... let me know!
Jan AKA Wammy said…
The Duke Energy center...downtown Cincinniti...There is also a cool display at the Cincinnati Museum Center (the old Union Terminal)

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