I think it is Saturday...

I will not bore you with the 'official hospital details'. You can go to Sarah's site at loveyourguts.com because Sarah Beth has asked Aunt Leigh Ann to give you all the details until she can blog again. Today's report from my end. We are having a party. All reports are good. The tumor was removed, she can move everything on her body, she is a little feisty, a lot funny (thank you morphine) but has had a terrific headache and a itchy reaction to some of the meds. She is having trouble opening her eyes but that is getting better everyday. Kate and I camp out in the SICU waiting room, which is definitely a treat every night! Wake-up lights come on at 6:30AM because that is the first visiting time. The phone is right over my head at night..which rings at all hours and you never know who is on the other end or what they will have say. I need not go into details...let your imagination run with it. We have met lots of people and it makes you so thankful that there is such a huge and wonderful support group. Some of the people come and sit by themselves for days. We are so blessed! Thank you so much for all you all have done.


leigh ann said…
shame on you for calling my details boring. ;0)
leigh ann said…
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Jan AKA Wammy said…
Maybe I should have said that I didn't know enough about the medical end of this all because I don't have the schooling that Aunt Leigh Ann has...I wanted to give the smiling details...no the oh, how awful for them details. Not meaning that your blogging would be boring at all. I love to read ayour blog.

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