Day Three...PJ Day

The time difference was hard to get used to. Every morning Mark and I were up at 5:30AM (7:30 OH time). So you know that meant that as soon as the boys went to bed, we weren't far behind. Also you must know that after out trip into the high country to the National Park, Michael, his cold and his asthma got worse. That meant he was glued to my side day and night...long nights.The best part of that for him was...movies, popcorn in bed and "seventeen" (sprite or 7Up) not to mention he got the pick of the toys because he was quarantined to the playroom. He didn't seem to mind.
I think I finally have my bearing to just where Frederick is in relation to Denver...30 miles NW, Aspen...223 miles SW...Boulder...22 miles W. I finally had to get the map and look at it all. Just a little side note about direction...when we were boarding the plane to go home I asked Michael which way the plane would be going...without hesitation he said E. He never looked at the map! He must just have a map in that little brain of his. Okay, back to PJ Day. Everyone seemed tired so Cassie and I decided that today would be officially called PJ Day. We never got out of our PJ's. The boys thought that was pretty darn fun. Michael loves his pj's. We also had Punkin Carving Night. Bet you can guess what Michael wanted....a pirate. Trevor drew his freehand. Mark had gotten us a kit that has stencils, thank you. I have to say it turned out better than I thought it would The boys loved them. Ellis helped Cassie and Michael "helped" Mark and I. We even put the jack-o-lanterns outside on the backporch so we could light them so the boys could see then while they were playing in he kitchen at night. It was a great idea but we forgot to light them. Great plan...maybe next year!

Michael is all for you doing it...he seems happy to give suggestions and watches at a safe distance. He thought that we were going to be able to bring his home on the plane. I promised that we would do another one as soon as we got home (and we did manage to get it finished right before leaving to trick-or-treat). I have just noticed that we don't have many sitings of Alaire on the blog...well, get ready for a fashion show...she was very patient with us. We have several outfits from her Great Grandmother Ellis and from her Pappy and Wammy. She looks cute is what ever she has on. Judge for yourself.You had to have known that Michael would want Alaire to have a pirate costume too. She looks like a pretty rough pirate don't you think?

I'm just her Wammy, but I think she looks beautiful in a diaper!
Not much else went on that night...I think we might have watched the Rockies get killed in the World Series. Another day of memory making down and not many more left. But Day Four proved to be fun and furious....


WOW! She is so darn cute. And Michael is growing up so quickly. I am glad you have had a wonderful time in CO. I remember our trip to Denver a few years ago. I loved it there. God's beauty is awesome.Keep the stories coming.
Anonymous said…
She is absolutely precious! Can't wait to meet her. Looks like you guys had so much fun while you were out there. All of those pictures makes me miss living there!
leigh ann said…
that sweet little thing is one of the prettiest babies i've ever ever ever seen. she reminds me of some little ellis babies.

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