Day Six...Cooking Frenzie

Another beautiful day outside in CO but inside we now have two sick boys. So we decided to send Mark to the store for ingredients for Huntington WV famous Jim's spaghetti (that will feed 25 in one making) Cassie LOVES this stuff. We make at least one batch when ever she is home. After spaghetti there is plenty for hot dog sauce for days to come. We can't get enough of it (Thanks Aunt Kate for sharing the recipe with us years and years ago!) About a month ago Cassie sent out a plea for simple economical recipes because she was in a cooking rut. My neighbor heard about it and sent me to CO with a ton of cookbooks. All week long we looked through them and decided that on Sunday we would make Spicy Cheeseburger Soup. It was so good! If you'd like to try our Ellis Family Restaurant Spicy Cheeseburger Soup drop either one of us an email and we will be glad to share.(Thanks Ms. Renee) Sunday was mostly clean-up, laundry, play and baby holding. A rather relaxing day but we still are missing one Green Bay Packers glove...maybe we left it on the mountain. Have to look for it next trip. As I said before the boys weren't feeling well so we had lots of time for Popsicles. I have never seen a child eat a Popsicle like Ellis...he sucks on it and then wraps his tongue around it. Checkout the videos.

I wonder if you can tell that the medicine was starting to take effect on Ellis by the time he was singing in the last video. Poor thing, he was so not there.After all the kids were snug as a bug in their beds we decided that we better get started on painting the half bath off the living room. Three walls were trimmed out and one behind the sink got one coat. It was pretty hard to see that late at night with only the ceiling light. The color on the main wall that you see when you walk in, is still in the discussion stage. We also made a list of the rest of the "Honey-do" jobs that needed to be done and planned to get then finished on Monday morning right before getting ready to come back to real life...BOOOOO.


Anonymous said…
he has such a long tongue just like his momma.

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