
The BEFORE....Today was an early release day for Sarah and Michael. We had a big day planned. Luke and Michael and I walked home form the bus stop and discussed how the day would go. Little did we know what fun we would have. After a delicious lunch of turkey and cheese lunchables (with Skittles) we headed to school to pick up Sarah. We had just enough time to go by the house to snap this picture of Sarah before getting a haircut. Short part of the story...Sarah loves to get her hair cut at Avalon. Emmy's friend Jen cuts hair there. If you get lots of inches cut and donate it to Locks of Love the haircut is free...need I say more.
The DURING...During Sarah's haircut, the boys and I drove to Circuit City to drop off Mark's dinner...that heavens it is just a few blocks away. Then we decided it was too hot to just sit in the car and wait. So we did some window shopping. You dare not take two 5 year old boys in any stores at this point in the day. While we were "shopping" we ran across three empty baseball fields. You know where I am going with this...the boys ran the bases several times. We play imaginary baseball. And I taught them how to slide into home. Fun stuff. We had to get back in the car because the boys were hot and wanted to take off their shirts. So back in the way back they went..shirtless and giggling all the way.
The AFTER...Here is Sarah sporting her new do. We had to drive by Seven Hills so Emmy could see it (she was there picking up Katie).
Two thumbs up from her. I think she looks a lot older with shorter hair. A real sophomore looking sophomore now. Now we just have to figure out how to get it to look like this tomorrow morning and every other morning until it grows long enough to get it cut for Locks of Love again. I think it was 8 inches that got cut off.


leigh ann said…
i love her new cut! i love straight and shiny hair. not something i have without a flat-iron you know.
Anonymous said…
I love the new hair cut the picture really DOES NOT do it justice. It is REALLY cute!!!!!!
Miss Yvonne said…
Wow, Sarah, we love your hair cut, beautiful. hannah couldn't remember is you were sixteen or seventten. See ya next summer.
The Oakes said…
love love love it.....makes sarah look so much more mature......and its incredible how a cut can make you hair look so much healthier!!

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