A Week of Homecoming Fun

It's a big week at the High School this week...Homecoming. A week of outfits to put together...oh what fun! For some strange reason, Sarah and I don't see eye to eye on some of the things...Monday was Roll Out of Bed Day...now I like this idea...roll right of the side of the bed and that's it...ready to run out the door...which is what the princess did. Her big brother gave her back a pair of Dale Earnhardt pants that she had given him for Christmas not long ago. Those pants and comfy shoes...don't we all wish we could go to school or work like that. Tuesday was Blockbuster Day......go dresses as a character in a movie. How simple.....there must be thousands of characters to choose from.....Sarah made herself a Cheer Bear costume..
I am amazed that all of her pinks matched. Her friend Sarah was to be a CareBear also, but I don't think that happened. That was a bad thing. A good thing was....she came in second in her homeroom for best costume. Wednesday was Western Day. This one was pretty easy..and jeans skirt and a shirt over another one, braids and a cowboy hat. We had four hats left over from VBS so I know there was at least four other coygirls or cowboys.
Thursday was Class Color Day...it is so fitting that our color is orange. Nice that Halloween is so close and there is orange and black everywhere. This years accessory was a pair of orange and black pumpkin faced flip flops. I saw them at Michael's and thought that Sarah would have fun making them. They were a hit. As you can see by the picture Sarah also has a class t-shirt. They are cute...the front has a huge orange with a big straw poked in it...on the back of the shirt it says "NOT CONCENTRATED" Does that mean that they don't concentrate....that they are just along for the ride...or what? It is hard for me to believe that Sarah has grown from a scrappy little 6 years old into a sophomore. Boy, did that go by really fast. Next time I turn around she will be graduating from high school and off to college. Holy Cow!Another Red and White Friday...AKA ...Spirit Day in the entire school district. I know for a fact that Sarah spent four hours looking for and/or designing a one of a kind outfit. I can't even describe it to you...the picture is worth well over a thousand words...see for yourself. Tonight is the parade and homecoming game. Sarah was running a little late so I dropped her off right in front of the JR HI just as the police cars topped the hill leading the way. Michael decided to stay and play with Luke while I dropped Sarah off. He thought the parade last year was boring...they didn't throw any candy. Our football game attire was pretty much anything that was red and a MHS shirt. When I went to pick her up...the crowd was pretty thin...let's just say that they don't have a winning season so far. But that seems okay by Sarah...as long as she can have time with her friends, that's fine by her.

Then tonight is the big dance. Sarah has been getting ready literally all day! (I can only imagine what she is going to be like on her wedding day). Miss Renee came over and showed Sarah how to "work it" when walking and holding up her dress. We even took the best pictures in Miss Renee's backyard. They have prettier scenery than we do. So now Sarah is off to dinner, dancing and then Steak and Shake and back to a friends for a sleep over. I will see her sometime after she gets home from church tomorrow. She is taking her camera so maybe you will get to see some action shots.


Anonymous said…
oh boy all I can say is red and white day are you kidding me PLEASE tell me she was joking and that she DID NOT wear that "thing" to school, or even to take the trash out for that matter.
The Oakes said…
im right there with you em.....well maybe she FOUND it when she was taking the trash out......i have to say though that the last picture was a huge improvement on the red and white outfit! she looks great and very confident.
Anonymous said…
Listen to all of you haters. What is it that dad says "Dont hate the player, hate the game" I am going to add one for you 2 Dont hate Participate. The red and white looks stunning. Sarah you owe me all this will cost you is one back rub, do my laundry next time i am there and 10 dollars to pay for the gas because mom and dad live out in the middle of no where. Little hint MOVE CLOSER TO CIVILIZATION!!!!!!!!!

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