Alaire's Early Arrival

If you want, you can go to Oakes blog ( to get the minute by minute playbook. I don't remember driving to work yesterday morning. I know I had to have driven back but I don't remember it either. I know that I have more than likely gone way over on my minutes for the month...good thing we don't pay for long distance calls. Mom, Dad and big brother will probably go home from the hospital today. Pappy, Wammy and Michael will be in the air on Tuesday.Just check out that hat she is sporting! They seem to make them bigger and warmer in CO. This week they are calling for snow in the "high country". I just pray that it holds off until we get there. Then it can snow oats as far as I am concerned. Snow me in, please!


leigh ann said…
she is beautiful and i know you can't wait to hold her. smell her little head for me, ok?

one complaint to register...i miss the "9 and growing" picture...put it back!!! (pretty please??)
She is beautiful! Can't wait to see more pictures and hear all about your trip to CO.

leigh ann said…
oh thank you thank you thank you. i just love that picture. wow i feel special. you could just email me the jpg and then you could delete it at will...but it looks so good there. i love that family.

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