Sarah Beth...Love Your Guts

I am trying to reach as many people as I can, asking for prayer and financial support.
Let me begin at the beginning..
Twenty eight years ago a beautiful baby was born. Her name, Sarah Beth, Gert to me. Our families are as close as close can be. Our children have grown up together. Our children and share the same great great grandparents. And we share so much more

Fast forward to to 2001. Sarah has graduated from Marshall University with a teaching degree. On faith she takes a job in the DC area. Also that year she begins to volunteer in an after school ministry in inner city Washington, DC. She put her whole being into helping these children in Lincoln Heights. Again on faith, she quit her teaching job to take a full-time position with DayBreak Ministries and became the director of the after school program.
Her life was turned up-side-down in 2005 when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She battles this horrible monster with every fiber of her being. The doctors discovered that she has many parts of her body that are being eaten by the cancer. Several surgeries, numerous bouts of chemo and radiation...only to find out that she carries the cancer gene. It has manifested its ugly head now with a brain tumor that leaves her exhausted, temporally paralyzed on her left side, having seizures, and confused.
She continues to have MRI's, PET scans, CAT Scans, Bone scans...not to mention the mountain of medications she must take everyday just to survive. She does have some insurance and her parents work at least two jobs each just to try to help find a way to pay the exhaustive mountain of b medical bills...the out of pockets expense in now in the thousands of dollars. She is unable to work or even drive a car. There are more unseen expenses like, traveling to DC and Lexington for treatment, over night stays and gas.

Friends have joined together to brainstorm about fund raisers to help the family. Our first plan is to sell LoveYourGuts...Pray for Sarah Beth rubber bracelets. They are purple and white...purple is Sarah Beth's favorite color. We have 1000 to sell at $5 each. Our plan is to sell them individually or by asking people to take 5 and sell them. I know we can do it. (It is just like the Race for the Cure Marathon we participated in two years ago in DC right after Sarah Beth was diagnosed. We raised over $9,000 as a team for research.)

We are asking you to prayerfully consider making a donation or purchase a bracelet. If you would like to help sell bracelets, you can get in touch with Jerri Black at 304-633-8708. If you would like to make a donation, that can be done by sending your check to: The Love Your Guts Foundation
c/o Sarah Beth Napier
191 North Queens Court
Huntington, WV 25705

Please pray for the doctors as they try to stop this ugly monster before it takes completely over. Pray for strength for the family and friends. Pray for Sarah Beth to have peace about her journey so she can peace of mind and if there is a new treatment out there somewhere, she won't have to make the decision about trying based on cost. is a place where Sarah Beth journals some of her fears. Go there and read the thoughts and prayers of a remarkable woman that has the faith to move mountains. I sincerely thank you for your time in reading this long blog/email and apologize if you receive it twice.
In His care always,
Aunt Jan


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