Never Ending Yard Work and Fun

It is so hard for me to believe that it is almost the second week of October and it is 94 degrees. I am wondering what that means for the kind of winter we will have? Lots of snow and cold days maybe....we can only hope. Today was absolutely "glorious" to day to quote two little girls from preschool on Friday that we just enjoying each other company on the tire swing and the beautiful day we had. Mark went in to work to tie up some loose ends and I scurried around to get all the laundry and school work finished before he came home. We had a little readjustment in out timing...Emmy called to tell us that she was broken almost at Five Mile...about 20 minutes from here. Michael and jumped in the car and were on the "Amazing Race" to find her. After having to turn around and head back for home did we find her. After a major meltdown, she to the van with Nate to his soccer game in Hamilton...a ways away...Mark called a tow truck and we all then headed for home to pick Sarah up after church.Mark and I have been wanting to work on the compost bin. It has been driving Mark needed to be cleaned out and restarted. So we spent four hours running about half of the bin thru the mulcher. About half way down we found a potato that we guess had gone to seed and then started to grow. The green top part was about 3 feet tall. The large potato was on that our neighbor contributed and there were two smaller ones that we growing. You never know what you might find in our yard. I am so thankful that she didn't take any pictures of us...we looked rough...grit between our teeth and in our ears. It is a dirty job but someone has to do it. We hope to finish on Tuesday when I get home from school. While we were hard at work, Michael wand Ella were hard at work destroying a leaf pile that I had made earlier in the day...thinking we would have time to mulch and then put in the compost bin.
Emmy finally made it back with the van ans she was in alittle better least she was smiling. While we were working she was taking pictures and videos of Michael in the leaves....his leaf explosion. She also tried to be artsy and took several shots of the "carrot sticks" that were on the table. This was her favorite. All this time Sarah has been sacked out on the couch due to lack of sleep and too much dancing. It was a glorious day, I only wish that it could have lasted a few more hours.

Sarah Beth Update...there are two places that I would like for you to is Sarah Beth's page at and then Aunt Leigh Ann's blog at I think that you will find them both interesting. They both put words to what I have been thinking and wanting to say but I was not sure how to say it exactly.


The Oakes said…
i can't believe it.....the carrot sticks actually worked. looks like you have enough carrots for Michael and Sarah to hate carrots for the next few years!
leigh ann said…
i love that carrot picture! i'd hang that in my kitchen if it went with anything. maybe she could sell it to panera or somewhere with foodie pics.

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