Ladybug and Gracie are on their way!!!

Don't be too confused by the names. Ladybug is our newest-to-be-born granddaughter. Gracie is Julie and Hutch's first...let me explain...Cassie, Emmy, Julie and Sarah Beth grew up together in Huntington. BFF! Julie's dad and I grew up together on the same street...two houses there is a ton of history here. The girls have been close since they one.

Last night or should I say early this morning, Cassie called to say that she was on the way to the hospital with contractions 5 minutes apart. We have been talking back and forth all morning. While I was having a conversation with Cassie, Julie text me to say that she and Hutch were on the way to the hospital. Her water had broken so the doctor wanted her to come in. She is a few weeks early. I called to tell her that Cassie was already at the hospital...crazy. We are all hoping that both little girls will be born on the same day. Jerri and Bill picked up Sarah Beth (and her very happy heart) and her pink walker and are headed to DC. Julie just sent me a pic of her sitting in her hospital bed. They are going to have to do a c-section within the next hour. Gracie is breach. Bill and crew are about three hours away. Sarah Beth is about to rip the hospital apart because they won't wait. Sarah Beth is supposed to be in the delivery room to take pictures. Pray for Julie because she wanted so much to do this naturally. Now back to Cassie....she has had her epidural and is resting comfortably. We are all hoping that they will give birth on the same day. Bill and I have said that this is just unbelievable..that they would give birth on the say day. WE have decided that if they give birth at the same time that this is most definitely in a GOD THING. I've called everyone I know. Mark's mom's reaction..."oh, we are going to have twins again!"


Anonymous said…
I don't have cassie's blog on my home comp. So I guess I have to wait till I get to work to see her, dang it
So, so excited for you. Congratulations on your new little grand-daughter. I know you are just tickled pink!

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