More Celebrations

Seems like every time I turned around last week, Sarah was celebrating her birthday. It all started early last Wednesday with a get together at Steak and Shake with friends, Friday was the big boy/girl party...a campfire, "dance party" and sleepover...NO BOYS ALLOWED...I am sure there was something on Saturday but I was too sick to remember, and then Sunday dinner with the fam. Since Emmy was out of the country on Bryce's birthday, we celebrated his again...Some pretty mean squirt guns were unwrapped. The following video is just a taste of all the water wars that were fought that night.
I wish you could see the two videos of the attack on Michael while he was in the shower. They are pretty funny but now quite appropriate for the wold to view. Teresa...I haven't forgotten your request for pictures of the yard. I keep hoping that we will get enough rain to bring the green back to the yard. It has been so dry, I am embarrassed for you to see the yard, yellow and dead. But I will try to find some bright spots to show you over the weekend.


The Oakes said…
love the new video.....glad to see that the brothers really get along well eventhough there is such a huge age difference. i guess bryce relates nicely with 5 yr olds.
Miss Yvonne said…
What a great video. Go Bryce, get the photographer, but not the camera.

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