Apple Days

Oh what a day! Seems like we have been in the are or getting out of the car all day. Today was another scorcher...90 degrees plus. The trees are turning and the burning bushes have burnt to a crisp. What have we done all day but trudged around different parts from here to there. Dad, Mom, Sarah, Michael and Emmy in the family truckster again for another fun-fulled-who-knows-where-we-are-going-road-trip headed up by Cassie, Trevor, and know what that means. But we did have a theme...apples. First stop was Shaw Farm. Let me back up just a bit...Michael has decided to "retire the engineer outfit"...his words at Wal-Mart yesterday. He is know the very proud owner of really
cool pirate clothes. We have to pull it off of him if we want to go anywhere. Okay, now back to Shaw's...We pull up and what do we see but a pirate ship. Off Michael went. He wanted to go back home to put on his pirate stuff. We had to get his mind off it by going thru the maize and finding little train for him to check out. Then back in the car and heading N to Rouster's. Here we bought our healthy snack for the day...a bag of honey crisp apples along with a really small but very sharp knife. I think we ended the day with two apples left in our bag....they are the best!Somewhere Mark read about Apple Days in Lebanon. We decided to take the back roads which Michael loved. We saw tons of cool things but needed to get back on the Interstate...Michael wasn't too thrilled with that. He says that the Interstate is boring. I will have to agree with him...I love the back never know what you will get into. We ended up in Lebanon probably at the hottest part of the day. No matter, they had ice cream. We had planned on picking grapes but we were told that they were just about gone and she couldn't promise we would get our six dollars worth. We opted to sit on bales of hay listening to a really fun blue grass band.
Michael loved them, he said very loudly that they should make a CD. That got a chuckle! Mark just wanted to dance just a little dance...Michael wasn't feeling it. Back on the road again to home sweet home and Michael was planning to play Pirates with Emmy. Somehow Emmy disappeared to the guest room when we got home and it took Michael awhile to find her. So now Emmy has gone home, Michael is sound asleep probably dreaming about his friend from school that is coming over tomorrow, Sarah is listening to music and Mark is "watching" a football game. I am checking out all my favorite blogs and getting ready for another big day at preschool. Big John...hope you can find us some really cool thing to drive to in CO when we come...just wouldn't be family time with out an unorganized family road trip.


Anonymous said…
I must say that you forgot a few things... well trevor, we did talk about you alot yesterday and the fact that you really enjoy the fact that our family for some reaason gets in the car adn drives to where you might ask... NO WHERE! When we were at Apple Daze michale at first liked the music but after about 4 songs and wanting them to make a cd and Dad saying that we can leave after the last song, Michael says gosh they have to many songs. I think he probably just wanted to get in the car so that he could have another apple. Oh and there is his newest saying that you can thank Bryce for... ask mom about that.
The Oakes said…
love the last can just feel the love.
Anonymous said…
You guys look like you are having the most fun in the world. I will definitely have to implement a day like this at our house. I'm thinking we may need a road trip to Huber's Farm.
Miss Yvonne said…
Drivign everywhere and no whare is always grat fun. Do you remember the night we dropped the kids of at church and just drove around the area? That was enjoyable.

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